Everyone Deserves To Feel Good When They Get Dressed
The Community Closet is a grass roots program that provides free clothing for the community. However, at the heart of the program it provides much more than free clothing. It is providing a safe place for all walks of life to come as they are and have an experience where they feel supported and uplifted. The Community Closet offers encouragement and builds confidence in those who need our help to choose a look for a job interview, for a special occasion, support everyday clothing needs, or school clothes for their children.
The Community Closet also offers free clothing repairs to support keeping our clothing longer, and purchasing new less, not only an economical benefit, but also an environmental act, which is a sustainable method. We are teaching children to repair a button, providing free worksheets and books, and creating a place of joy and love.
The Community Closet is completely funded through volunteers, donations of clothing, time, and services. Interested in sharing a resource or service, donating clothing, supplies, or supporting in any other way? Please reach out today, we cannot wait to connect! With so much gratitude and in the spirit of community.
What gift to support the needs of people and the environment through my participation at  the Union City Community Closet events. The happiness and joy that finding a clean jacket, shirt or pants has is so rewarding for both the giver and receiver. Clothing is such a basic human need and contributor to our psychological and physical well being.  When the community comes together through the brillance of this event that Sofia has eloquently merchandised and staffed, so much goodness is shared.
Dr. Connie Ulasewicz
Volunteer of The Community Closet
Everyone Deserves To Feel Good When They Get Dressed
We have some exciting news here at The Community Closet, we are officially accepting donations via PayPal Charity and Venmo Charity. You can show your support by using the link below and sharing it with your friends and family.
100% of the donations go right back into the program! We appreciate your generous donations and support of the Mindful Mami Collective and the Community Closet Program.
Everyone Deserves To Feel Good When They Get Dressed
Interested in volunteering for the Community Closet? Please sign up in the link below for our next event. Can't make this one, reach out to sign up for upcoming events, and subscribe to receive emails! Thank you for serving the community together!
Watch the Community Closet segment on Fox Channel 2 News.