Mindful Mami Collective is a 501(3)(c) which provides free resources and services to the community. Our three pillars of impact include the Social, Educational, and Environmental values of Sustainable Fashion Practices. Through these pillars we are able to provide dignified experiences, and create tangible opportunities to marginalized communities.

"Feet what do I need you for, when I have wings to fly?
-Frida Kahlo
Serving the Community Together
Mindful Mami Collective focuses on three key areas of impact within Sustainable Fashion. Our three pillars of impact include Social, Educational, and Environmental impact's of sustainable fashion practices and sharing these resources with marginalized communities. Our social impact clothing program Community Closet, provides free clothing, shoes, and accessories, and a dignified shopping experience for the community. Education workshops surrounding sustainable fashion, and teaching applicable skills, are built out with a focus on students. The Environmental impact of textile waste, and continuing the lifecycle of clothing pairs back to our Community Closet program, and education of the impact clothing has on our environment. Our goal is to create accessible channels to alleviate textile waste.

Thinking outside the box, trying new things, and doing what works for you! We have you covered from unique & creative outings, teaching community & humility, and exposing our children to the ideas of recycling, reusing, and repurposing their clothes. We are mindful of our consumer power, and efforts of sustainable living. Contact us today to share your story and what being a Modern Mami means to you!
Being able to make conscious decisions about apparel purchasing practices is not always an easy task, but the Mindful Mami will instill tools and resources to help make ethical and environmentally aware decisions. Our goal is to teach a lifestyle of modest consumption, and minimizing material items to our children, to create awareness of waste and the impact on the environment. With these tactics we teach the idea of living with less, to experience more.
Mindful Mami strives in teaching the next generation about the realities of the world, the challenges they may face, and the tools they will need in order to be well rounded and educated little beings.
We are working on building a community and network of information and resources to educate and inspire our children. Have a resource you'd like to share or collaborate on, contact us today!